速報APP / 商業 / EK4KIDS Driver

EK4KIDS Driver



檔案大小:64.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


EK4KIDS Driver(圖1)-速報App

EK4KIDS provides safe and optimal children transportation solution for the transportation providers.This solution includes suite of tools for parents, drivers, schools, partners and admins to connect and collaborate effectively and seamlessly in scheduling rides, tracking kids while travelling, getting notified on pick-up and drop-off. It helps transportation providers to improve overall operation efficiency, reduce cost and increase their sales.

EK4KIDS Driver app is Mobile app for Drivers to manage their rides for the day. This app removes all paper work and makes life easy for Drivers to efficiently manage their time. Ride changes are seamlessly communicated to them from Dispatcher, Vehicle inspection, kids attendance can be captured seamlessly. No confusion on next pick-up or drop-off, app provides accurate ride schedule information and status to Drivers

EK4KIDS Driver(圖2)-速報App

Key features include

1. Vehicle Inspection Details

2. Ride Details for a day

3. Record attendance for pickup and drop-off

EK4KIDS Driver(圖3)-速報App

4. Record Mileage details

5. View Child Profile

6. View Mileage Log

7. Communicate with Dispatcher/Parent/Partner

EK4KIDS Driver(圖4)-速報App

8. Route assistance with integrated Apple Maps

*The app has GPS running in the background and continued use of the app can decrease battery life. The app will use approx.1GB of data per month.

EK4KIDS Driver(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad